What a list of speakers! We have invited profound speakers on the topics of law, medicine, politics and media. The speeches are thematically divided into these four "blocks". The order in the following list of speakers corresponds to the order of the speeches.
Speaker thematic block "introductory words"

Born in Vienna
1976 to 1980 Studies of Law at the University of Vienna
1980 Doctorate of Laws (Dr. iur.)
1980 to 1983 Studies of Economics at the University of Vienna
1983 Master's degree in social and economic sciences (Mag. rer. soc. oec.)
1983 to 1985 studies in natural sciences
Worked in the Ministry of Finance, in the Ministry of Family Affairs and in the archives of the Administrative Court, furthermore as scientific assistant of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (technology assessment; ecosystem research)
Stays abroad to maintain scientific contacts (Cologne / Barcelona / London / Stuttgart)
1998 registration in the list of attorneys at law in Vienna
Currently self-employed lawyer specializing in commercial law, intellectual property law, medical law, constitutional and administrative law, litigation, etc.
Since 2020 I have been committed to the protection of fundamental rights, in particular personal freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of scientific research; I see these freedoms threatened in particular by the absurd but widely promoted notion in the mainstream media that there are "unbreakable truths" discoverable by "fact-checkers" whose recognition should be enforced by the state.

Edith Brötzner, born on March 2, 1984 in Salzburg, has been supporting her customers since 2017 with her advertising agency "Blue Marketing" in the conceptual design and implementation of various advertising measures and is mainly active in social media marketing, where she also offers her customers regular training.
In addition to her self-employment as an advertising entrepreneur, she is also very active in the media sector since 2020. Many know her formerly from AUF1 and since 2021 from Report24.news, where she regularly captivates her readers and viewers with her reports, interviews and sharp-edged commentaries.
Already in May 2020, the mother and entrepreneur organized her first entrepreneur rally in Linz, where she pointed out the fatal effects of the lockdowns, measures and the curtailment of our freedom.
Speaker thematic block "Law"

Dr. Beate Sibylle Pfeil is a German lawyer and independent scholar specialized in issues of national minorities in Europe. She has made a name for herself in her field of research through a large number of lectures and fundamental publications, including as co-author of a multi-volume handbook on ethnic groups. She was educated at the University of Heidelberg and passed her second (bar) examination in Freiburg. In 2002 she received her doctorate in law from the University of Innsbruck. She worked and researched at the South Tyrolean Ethnic Groups Institute for 20 years, 17 of them as deputy scientific director. In 2017-2023 she was a German of the Committee of Experts for the so-called Language Charter, an international law treaty of the Council of Europe. From 2017-2022, she was Vice Chair of the European Centre for Minority Issues in Flensburg. Her current work focuses on Corona measures including WHO plans from a legal perspective (co-author and legal supervisor of the WHE ALL 3x3 demands paper, author of the related "explanatory notes").

Born in Vienna
1976 to 1980 Studies of Law at the University of Vienna
1980 Doctorate of Laws (Dr. iur.)
1980 to 1983 Studies of Economics at the University of Vienna
1983 Master's degree in social and economic sciences (Mag. rer. soc. oec.)
1983 to 1985 studies in natural sciences
Worked in the Ministry of Finance, in the Ministry of Family Affairs and in the archives of the Administrative Court, furthermore as scientific assistant of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (technology assessment; ecosystem research)
Stays abroad to maintain scientific contacts (Cologne / Barcelona / London / Stuttgart)
1998 registration in the list of attorneys at law in Vienna
Currently self-employed lawyer specializing in commercial law, intellectual property law, medical law, constitutional and administrative law, litigation, etc.
Since 2020 I have been committed to the protection of fundamental rights, in particular personal freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of scientific research; I see these freedoms threatened in particular by the absurd but widely promoted notion in the mainstream media that there are "unbreakable truths" discoverable by "fact-checkers" whose recognition should be enforced by the state.

Dr. Michael Brunner, independent lawyer in Vienna since 1992, initiator and co-founder of Lawyers for Fundamental Rights - Lawyers for Enlightenment, founded in October 2020, initiator and co-founder of the party MFG Menschen Freiheit Grundrechte, founded on 14.02.2021, co-founder of IAL (International Association of Lawyers for Human Rights), founded on 02.07.2023 in Cologne, honorary chairman of MFG.
Speaker thematic block "Medicine"

Specialist in internal medicine and public health. He is the author of numerous books, mainly in the field of naturopathy and nutrition. She runs a practice of internal medicine, supplemented by naturopathic medicine, and cares for numerous patients with vaccine injuries on a daily basis. He was the first in the world to organize the Budapest International COVID Conference in August 2020, which he has organized every year since then to promote understanding and real science on the subject. In Hungary, he was among the first founders of the Doctors for Enlightenment movement and the Scythian Association, which represent silent resistance to violent measures. Today these movements are an important factor in the awakening of the Hungarian population.

Dr. Horkovics - Kováts János
1955 born in Bratislava
1973 High school graduation in Bratislava
1973-1979 Medical University in Debrecen (Hungary)
1979-1985 worked as a gynecologist in Hungary
1985-2010 practicing gynecologist in Germany
2010 return to Hungary, founder of HunTv - private television station
2010 until today established gynecologist in Hungary, 2nd children, freedom fighter.
13.6.1950 born in Vienna.
1956-1960 Elementary School of the Ursuline Sisters Vienna Schüttaustrasse.
1961-1968 Federal Secondary School Vienna 2, Vereinsgasse 21
28.5.1968 Matura with distinction
WS 68/69 Start of medical studies, University of Vienna
28.5.1975 Doctorate in medicine, first own apartment (Schüttaustrasse 48/12)
01.09.1975 Resident at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, main subject forensic medicine, counter subject 6 months internal medicine, counter subject 6 months trauma surgery.
17.12.1981 Specialist in forensic medicine.
02.11.1982 Son Johann
07.12.1982 Forensic Medical Examiner
1984-1990 Private practice
23.03.1987 Daughter Franziska
15.12.1987 Venia docendi (Habilitation)
16.07.1988 Son Oskar
Sep. 1992 Golden Cross of Merit of the Republic of Germany
Dec. 1992 Postgraduate "medical executives" and "university didactics".
1995 a.o. Univ. Prof.
Year 1997 Psychotherapy training Gastein started
09.06.2000 Divorce
2003 Doctor of psychotherapy
2005 ÖÄK Diploma Orthomolecular Medicine
2006 ÖÄK Diploma Nutritional Medicine
2003-2008 part-time psychotherapy (patients)
2010 Marriage with Dr. Angelika Schlager
2014 Retirement
PUBLICATIONS: 100 scientific publications, 14 books
Speaker thematic block "Politics"

DI Dr. Monika Henninger-Erber, MBA, Born in St. Pölten.
Natural science and technology studies at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, doctorate in 1993.
24 years of professional experience in global pharmaceutical company. International responsibilities in biopharmaceutical third party business (process development, large scale biotech production, quality management) for pharmaceutical companies worldwide up to biotech start-ups. Senior roles in analytics, global business development & customer contracts, customer project management, and regional lead key account management Europe.
2018-2020 Executive MBA and Diploma in Advanced Business Sustainability in Switzerland (University of St. Gallen, Lausanne). Since end of 2020 self-employment in the field of sustainable business (management consulting incl. business organization).
End of 2019 foundation of the GREENS Grafenegg; since 2020 local councilor in the market town Grafenegg (district Krems / Lower Austria). On the municipal board, very involved in initiatives in environment (soil use, tree planting etc.), alternative mobility, energies & energy communities.
Since 2022 member of GGI - Green Association for Fundamental Rights & Freedom of Information. Founded on the occasion of the demand for an "Alternative Corona Strategy - together & self-determined into the future". Proactive engagement of the GGI for "The Great Reappraisal"; weekly press releases on the reappraisal of the Corona period - including on the WHO and its efforts - since February 2023.

Joachim Aigner, born on March 3, 1976 in Ried im Innkreis, is an experienced tax consultant and management consultant. Since 2000, he has managed the business law firm Aigner, which specializes in tax consulting, financial criminal law, real estate and corporate restructuring.
In addition to his self-employment, he has been managing director of GZ-Betriebs GmbH, the "Gründerzentrum Schildorn", since 2004 and was a trainer at Wifi in the areas of accounting, taxes and business start-up/development until 2015.
Joachim studied economics part-time at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz from 2002 with a focus on business taxation, controlling and consulting, corporate accounting and auditing as well as business start-up and development.
His political career began in 2021 when he joined MFG. Since then, he has taken on various leadership positions within the party, including state spokesperson for MFG Upper Austria, member of the Upper Austrian state parliament and, since 2023, as federal party chairman of MFG Ö.

Freedom mandatary Mag. Gerald Hauser has fought for the rights of all people in the Corona crisis. Together with Univ.-Doz. Dr. Hannes Strasser, MSc. he has written two bestsellers on the Corona period ("Raus aus dem Corona-Chaos" and "Und die Schwurbler hatten doch recht..."). Hauser has been a member of the National Council for the FPÖ for many years and is also a member of the Health Committee. There he speaks out against the government's Corona policy, which is contrary to the facts.
Speaker thematic block "Media"

Stef Manzini, Journalist, stattzeitung.org
Fed up with the mainstream. Do it yourself. Journalism with backbone. For self-thinkers. Freedom of the press? Assange? The press is free when Assange is free!

Jimmy C. Gerum is a cinema film producer and responsible for the action-adventure CASCADEUR - DIE JAGD NACH DEM BERNSTEINZIMMER (1998) and the epic adventure drama SO WEIT DIE FÜSSE TRAGEN (2001). Extensive research mainly in history, geopolitics, philosophy, sociology, psychology led him to found the citizens' initiative Leuchtturm ARD ORF SRG in 2021 to call on public broadcasting to respect balance and state neutrality in its reporting.

Dr. Peter F. Mayer is a publicist in the field of science, politics and technology. After studying physics, he worked for several years in the IT industry and software development. He then moved into journalism as publisher and editor-in-chief at Telekom-Presse and pfm - Magazin für Infrastruktur und Technologie, and as editor-in-chief of HighTech Presse. He has written articles for Die Presse, Salzburger Nachrichten, ORF, Profil, Wienerin and others. He is a devoted father of two daughters. Since March 2020 he runs the blog for Science & Politics - TKP.AT.

Andrea Drescher, born in 1961, is a German citizen and has lived in Upper Austria for years. She is a management consultant, computer scientist, self-supporter, peace activist, freelance journalist for alternative media projects, and has been a convinced anti-fascist since her youth.

Florian Machl is editor-in-chief and publisher of Report24.news, an online medium founded in 2021 that is committed to journalism that can always be substantiated by sources.
He has been self-employed as an advertiser since 1998 and has written for numerous newspapers and magazines.
He is equally well known for his activities on social media, where he has been commenting on political events for about 15 years and has also realized several satire projects. He is from Upper Austria and lives in Linz.